Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How Does Perception Of The Presences Or Absence Of Light

Please turn off the light for I fear my own judgement and the judgement of God. Your eyes might be cursed by the sight of my truths that I am so ashamed of. I cannot look myself in the mirror, how could I? The mess I have caused is beyond disgraceful, I cannot fathom the sight of it. For a very long time my heart was filled with darkness, fearing what was right because wrong was much more pleasurable. I felt like I was not capable of doing anything right no matter how hard I would try. Pronobesh Banerjee, Promothesh Chatterjee, and Jayati Sinha (2011) conducted a study on how perception of the presences or absence of light [metaphorically] changes when recalling moral behavior. I have recalled something that has brought a darkness not even the blind could find themselves free of. What is the purpose of sight without insight? I was easily persuaded by what my eyes were able to see and not what my heart was able to see. Many times I would ignore this ache deep in my heart to the point where I would find my eyes consumes with tears and my heart constantly being ripped out of my chest. The borderland that exist between darkness; living ignorantly, and light; admitting all truths and not allowing them to hinder me; is this dimly lit flashlight I use to free my heart from some darkness but I constantly battle with the shadow. With this flashlight I question myself about all that I do, say, and think. I felt like the elephant in a room all alone. I made myself uncomfortable becauseShow MoreRelatedPerception : The Soul And The Five Senses Essay2093 Words   |  9 PagesOctober 2016 Perception: the Soul and the Five Senses â€Å"The soul is the cause or source of the living body... it is the source of movement, it is the end, it is the essence of the whole living body (De Anima, 27).† As demonstrated in this quote from De Anima by Aristotle, the soul is essential to living things. 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