Thursday, February 27, 2020

Fukushima Nuclear Plant Explosion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Fukushima Nuclear Plant Explosion - Essay Example After the earthquake and the subsequent Fukushima accident the nuclear system went offline. This led to a shortage of electricity across the nation. A lot people suffered because business activity seized without electricity which caused the shutdown of operations of many corporations. The Fukushima nuclear accident had horrible repercussions for the Japanese people. The managers running the plant had to make some tough ethical decisions. Crews of workers were send in into the plant knowing fully they would be exposed to radiation levels above the level any human can endured. These courageous workers sacrificed their well being to protect the Japanese community. The government used a lot of disinformation tactics to hide the truth about the long term consequences of the Fukushima accident. A study performed on the situation revealed that out of 7.8 billion people living within 200 kilometers of Fukushima 400,000 people will develop cancer due to the radiation that was released after the accident

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Prostitution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Prostitution - Research Paper Example Most people begin masturbation at a tender age as they explore their changing bodies. At first they may not have sexual fantasies, but at the onset of adolescence the feelings become more sexual. Secondly, Psychologists believe that children begin to discover their sexuality in their phallic stage. This is a stage characterized by putting fingers in their mouth, anus and more so touching their genitals. This explains why the behavior is common in children and teens. Thirdly sexual feelings are instinctive and they just set in due to the pornographic nature of humans. For instance, a child will want to know where they came from by posing questions that are aimed at making discoveries or just out of curiosity. This eagerness is only met when a reliable answer is given. Most common reasons people masturbate are to relieve tensions of sexual feelings, to achieve sexual pleasure, have sexual satisfaction when partners are not available and also to relax their mind. In fact, most people th ink that it is only meant for those without sexual partners, but even people with regular sex partners are equally involved in the act. The behavior is shaped by body hormones responsible for sexual arousal and the higher the release the frequent the desire (Publishing)There are proven facts about benefits of masturbation most of which are believed to be healthy sex life, safe and totally harmless. In this project, I critically seek to examine these facts and see why this behavior is wide spread in social framework. According to (John, Mulhall and Incrocci) it is found that men who masturbate more than five times a week have a third less likelihood to develop prostate cancer. This is because disease causing toxins may not build up in the urogenital tract as they get flushed out of the system. It makes one release hormone of wellbeing like dopamine and oxytocin that lifts spirits, activates the reward circuit of the brain and promotes satisfaction. In fact a brain scan of someone hav ing orgasm is similar to that of a heroin addict due to the non-drug blast effect of dopamine. It is truly a safer form of sex that has no risk of sexually transmissible infections or unplanned pregnancies. In this regard, it helps those without partners to relieve their sexual tension by themselves and explore their sexuality in their best way. It contributes to strengthened immune system due to increased release of hormone cortisol following ejaculation. This hormone helps to regulate and maintain immunity in small doses. Other medical beneficial facts associated with masturbation include: release of tension and stress, sperm donation and treatment for sexual dysfunction. On the contrary, there are often many stereo types associated with this act. In some communities it is seen as a big abomination, ungodly and a selfish avenue for self-sexual satisfaction. The following are the major facts against it. Most people who indulge in this behavior have a feeling of guilt later after do ing it because they believe it is bad. Most of those feeling were inflicted by religion and traditional taboos. It is also true that this is the least talked about topic and doing it means to be haunted by guilt. Like any other form of indulgence, masturbation can grow to uncontrollable excessive levels. At this stage it becomes chronic and a habit that is difficult to break